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Newman University College, PGCE, Mathematics (Key Stage 2-3)

 United Kingdom


Study mode Start date Duration
Full-time Sep years: 1
The 7-14 age range course uses the mathematical knowledge gained during degree-level studies and broadens it so that students feel confident to teach the subject within the National Curriculum; successful completion of this course leads to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) subject to satisfactory performance in skills tests; teaching sessions in Newman comprise an exploration of how mathematical topics develop from age 5-16 with necessary emphasis on the 7-14 age phase; sessions involve exploring topics and how ideas develop over time and there is always an opportunity to explore mathematical ideas and discuss how students might teach them; in order to assess children’s progress students explore potential errors and misconceptions and how they might be observed and remedied; students are encouraged to reflect on their own learning of mathematics, on how and why the rules work, enabling them to plan for and deliver innovative and inspirational mathematics lessons and deliver the National Curriculum in the 7-11 age phase; extensive use is made of information communication technology (ICT) to illustrate and model mathematical ideas; students are encouraged to develop the necessary skills to use ICT (particularly interactive whiteboards) within the classroom; students encourage children to enjoy number work and highlight how it can be used, for example in computer games, puzzles and playing with shapes; they also assist children to see the relevance of mathematical skills to their daily lives as well as developing an appreciation of complex mathematics and mathematical enquiry; students spend 3 blocks of time in schools: The 1st in a secondary setting; the 2nd in a primary setting; and the 3rd in the phase of their choice; the aim of these blocks is to develop teaching skills by observing practising teachers, working with colleagues and mentors and planning and teaching (with guidance and support as appropriate).

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