Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London, MA, Voice Studies
Entry requirements
An understanding of voice informed by appropriate work experience of at least 2 years is normally an essential prerequisite; or a degree (or equivalent) in a subject which has included an element of voice and speech studies; graduates of other disciplines are considered if they can provide evidence of previous training in voice and/or speech; the equivalent of 20 hours teaching experience in the field of voice and/or performance-related subjects, and a good level of written and spoken English (IELTS 7) required; applicants without a 1st degree (or equivalent) but who have professional experience in working with voice of at least 2 years' duration, e.g. actors and directors, are considered for interviews for non-standard entry: these include a group workshop, a listening exercise and a short 1-on-1 interview; those asked to interview are also required to write a short 1500 word essay.
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