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Work permit Tier 2 (General)

Tier 2 is the most common type of work permit, which is available not only to students of the British universities, but also all other foreigners who wish to immigrate and work in the UK. The process of obtaining it can be quite difficult, but for graduates of British universities , he is considerably simplified.

As with other types of visas, Tier 2 is based on a point system. To apply, you must obtain a certificate of sponsorship (Certificate of Sponsorship CoS) from an employer who will give you 30 points. The remaining 70 points are accumulated at the expense of indicators such as education and age. On the website border and immigration control in the UK (UKBA - UK Border Agency) you can find the "points calculator" which will help You deal with the requirements.

Sponsor a work permit may only British company licensed to issue these certificates. Official register of sponsors published on the UKBA website and has more than 26 thousand companies. If your employer is not listed there, he will have to register. However, keep in mind that this procedure is highly complex and lengthy (up to 6 months), and not all companies will be willing to do this.

Who can obtain a Tier 2 visa (General)?

Work visas issued to Tier 2 certified graduates of British universities with the following degree:

  • bachelor's degree (Bachelor's degree),
  • master's degree (Master's degree),
  • doctor of Sciences (PhD)
  • the second higher pedagogical education (PGCE or PGDE).

To apply for a visa to Tier 2 without leaving the UK. However, you must wait until your course at the University, that is, the formal surrender of the last exam or the thesis defense.

In the transition from student Tier 4 visa for a work visa Tier 2, the hiring company is not obliged to present evidence that at this position there are no suitable candidates from the UK or other European Union countries.

The validity of the visa Tier 2 (General)

The work should match Your level of education and fairly highly paid. Under this scheme you can get a visa for 3 years with the possibility of extending it for another two years. Usually after 5 years working in the UK Tier 2 visa you can apply for a residence permit in the UK is called Indefinite Leave to Remain. In the case of shift work you must obtain a certificate of sponsorship from your new employer and to comply with all relevant requirements.

The material in this Chapter was compiled in February 2013