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Study abroad spent a lot more time and effort than to education in the home country. With a variety of foreign universities raises many questions: what University accept students, what are the necessary points for admission and whether you need to pass the exams, in what school best program in the selected specialty with a diploma of a foreign University will be easier to find a paying job and a lot of other issues.
If you think about education abroad, Education Index website will help you to understand the complexities of choosing the foreign University and the admissions process.

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In some universities abroad take students

Education abroad students and CIS countries can obtain in any country. The most popular countries among students - the US, UK, Germany, Holland, Czech Republic, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Every year in the universities of these countries went to study several thousand students.
With good academic training and well-written application and portfolio, you can enroll in any University in the world, even in one of those prestigious as Oxford, Cambridge, MIT, Harvard or Stanford.
What are the requirements of foreign universities, present to foreign students, how to choose a University and programme and prepare documents for admission - the answers to all these questions you will find on the website of the Education Index.

How much is the tuition at a foreign University

The cost of a semester of school abroad depends on the country you chose, the place of the University in the global ranking of universities and from the chosen specialty.
In countries where students receive financial support from the state, the cost of a year of schooling may be very low, it is possible to find the free program. Such countries are Germany, Czech Republic, France.
However, in most cases, the state funded only program in the language of the country where the University is located. Programmes in English in non-English speaking countries usually pay. But if you try, you can find a free or low cost options, even for teaching English.
Studying in the universities of USA, UK, Canada paid. The most expensive foreign universities are U.S. universities. Year in graduate school in the US is 25 000$. Master's degree in the UK may be worth$ 17,000 per year. The cost of graduate programs in Canada starts from 6 000$. The cost of education in many European countries can be cheaper.
You also need to consider living expenses: housing, transport, Internet, textbooks, and other expenses. Foreign University may require proof of the consistency of the student's family, that is, a Bank statement with a certain amount in the account. This should be ready.
Although it is possible to get a grant or scholarship to them is extremely difficult. It requires a brilliant success in the academic and extracurricular activities. Therefore, it is better to prepare and carefully examine prices for education in different universities abroad. You can use this search engine programs on the Education Index.

Do I have to take exams to enroll in a foreign University

Foreign universities require evidence of achievement that is translated and notarized diploma or certificate of previous education.
Additional examinations and tests need to pass on some of the program and depend on the universities and country. Before to pass this exam, you need to determine on what profession you plan to study at a foreign University, and to study the requirements for documents in this University.
Of course, you need to pass the exam on the knowledge of language of country of study. They should start preparing for the year. And even if you are need language, should be given training for 2-3 months to get used to the format of the exam.

Which foreign University to enter

When it became clear, what country and what budget on education abroad is the most attractive, it's time to come to grips with choosing a University. It is important to choose the best international University possible - the best in their chosen profession, closest to the top of the world rankings of universities affordable, with the prospect of staying in the country or to find a prestigious job at home.

To rely on when selecting a foreign University?

Of course, there is the well-known universities in the world: Oxford, Cambridge, Yale, Stanford, Harvard, MIT, Princeton. However, in these universities is not only difficult to do, although possible with properly prepared documents. Even more difficult to study there.
The good news is that overseas a huge number of universities with respected programs, excellent faculty and ample opportunities for practice. How to choose such universities, if they are not hearing students in CIS?
To help future students there are ratings, the international ratings of educational institutions and the internal ratings of countries. In the rankings involving hundreds of universities, they are conducted by the leading rating agencies and valuation techniques verify a solid audit company. The most well known rankings of foreign universities is the European rating agencies QS and THE, U.S. Agency and U.S. News Agency Asian ShanghaiRanking Consultancy. On our website you can examine and compare all of these ratings.
However, to choose University for your goals, do not blindly rely on the place in the ranking. Methods for the assessment of foreign universities depend on the objectives of the study. Respectively and places in the different rankings of the universities are different. To understand what the University to study abroad is right for you, it is necessary to meet the assessment criteria of each specific rating. As criteria are usually: the quality of teaching, the overall quality of programs and research, assessment of student satisfaction and the percentage of employment of graduates, technical equipment, the complexity of the admission, the percentage of the graduated and the average score of the students. As you can see, a lot of criteria and understand them will take some time.
Remember and internal ratings of countries. Even if your favourite University is not the highest place in the world ranking, in the ranking of the country he may be engaged in a very high place and use authority.
Depending on what you want from your study abroad and future career, you can flexibly choose a school. Consultants Education Index can also help to choose the University according to preset criteria.
Now to future students of the whole world is open. Studying in a foreign University is a complex and very important decision in life. You will get the experience of living in another country, a great education will give a start to your career or research activities, and around the world you will have relationships and friends. If you decide to get an education abroad, the results are worth overcoming many difficulties. But the site and professionals Education Index will help you to understand all the intricacies of entering a foreign University!

How to understand the variety of foreign universities