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FAQ: the Political climate and entry to UK universities
FAQ: the Political climate and entry to UK universities
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FAQ: the Political climate and entry to UK universities

Recently, we in the Education Index have a lot of questions about applying to universities in the UK in the context of complications of relations between the governments of the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom.

We contacted representatives of 10 major universities in the UK to clarify the situation. Below we provide answers to frequently asked questions from our users, compiled from the comments of the representatives of the British universities team and the Education Index.


Tell us about the reception of Russian students in UK universities. Will not complicate the political situation admission to British University for students from Russia?

No. All that affect the admission in a British University – is documents as part of Your application for admission and desire to develop in their chosen field of knowledge. Nationality had or will have for the University's values when making decisions about taking a student.

Review of the head of the International Admissions Committee of the British Oxford Brookes University David George (David George):

Oxford Brookes University continues to extend a warm welcome application for admission from Russian students. We continue to welcome students from Russian schools, colleges and universities. If students or student representatives have any questions about qualifications or programmes, please write to the Admissions office, we will be happy to help (intadmissions@brookes.ac.uk)".

Representatives of East Anglia University, the University of Reading and Kings College London and Goldsmiths, University of London are also confirmed to us that any change in the procedure of admission of Russian students has not occurred, and universities support the position of the British Embassy in Russia, announced his Press Secretary April 30, 2018:

"No there was absolutely no change in the recognition of great Britain of documents on Russian education. We continue to welcome Russian students wishing to study in the UK.

In 2017, the year of the British Embassy in Russia issued more than 20,000 student visas to applicants from Russia."

Heard that Russian diplomas are no longer recognized in the UK. How will this affect my education and whether I would be able to enroll in a British University?

Of course, you can. Admission to any University in the world, including for University in the UK, with a Russian diploma or a certificate of secondary education was and remains possible.

That's what we were told by the Dean of the British Aston University Professor Alec Cameron (Alec Cameron):

"We would like to confirm that Aston University remains firmly committed to the principles of international mobility. We assess each application student fairly and without discrimination. Aston University continues to recognize the Russian educational diplomas and certificates" .

The full text of Alec Cameron.

Reply Mark Lambert, a spokesman for the International Department of the University of Greenwich quoted below:

"The University of Greenwich accepts the Russian diplomas and Certificates of secondary education for admission to our program bacalaureate, graduate and postgraduate programs. Our University has for many years annually accepts students from Russia and we are confident that the new Russian students to come to study to us in the future.

The University of Greenwich offers more than 400 educational programmes taught in one of the most multicultural University campuses in the UK. If you are interested in education at the University of Greenwich, contact me directly and I will be happy to answer any of your questions."

Consider three situations:

You want to enroll in the bachelor program: if You have not studied at A-Level or IB, and graduated from high school, the University will consider Your high school Diploma. Criterion certificate of Your achievement.

You want to enroll in a graduate program: as in the case of admission to bachelor's degree, the University will evaluate Your academic performance, but this time on the basis of the diploma about the first higher education. The diplomas of Russian universities and are being taken by UK universities.

You want to work in the UK with the Russian diplomato find a job in the UK to the Russians without a diploma from a good Western University has always been difficult, but a lot depends on a particular profession: for example, for a web developer diploma is not so important, his skills will be tested through the test and a doctor to work in Britain can only be received British medical degree. This state of Affairs on the issue of employment with a Russian diploma has always been, is now, nothing has changed.

Relations between Russia and great Britain in recent times intense. Can I deal with Russophobia in the University?

No. Many years ago, the British Parliament passed a set of rules for the educational institutions of the United Kingdom that defines the fundamental values of British society. Any educational institution Britain should promote and provide these values. Values in the basis of British society:

  • democracy
  • legality (rule of law)
  • the freedom of the individual
  • mutual respect and tolerance of religious or ethnic differences.

Therefore, harassment of students from Russia can be neither in school nor at the University or in the workplace. In British universities Russophobia, as well as other types of discrimination prohibited by law.

And the other students? Can I deal with the anti-Russian sentiment on their part?

UK universities regularly conduct surveys of their students on the subject of satisfaction with all aspects of student life. These polls are displayed in the graph the Index of satisfaction of students of University rankings Britain. Manifestations of ethnic intolerance in the student's environment would mean for universities the loss of lines in ratings, and therefore, the financial and reputational losses. Traditionally, the maintenance of an atmosphere of mutual respect and cultural exchange between students from different countries is an absolute priority of the universities of the United Kingdom.

Although the University cannot be responsible for the conduct of each of its students, the University's support of students is designed to solve the complexity of pupils, including aspects of the relationship between them. If the student's environment there are examples of national hostility, they need to immediately inform the student support service (Student Counseling) and of the University administration.

I hope this article will dispel the doubts of those who dream of obtaining a British education for themselves or for their children.

There will be questions – contact us and we will help.

How are Russians in the UK?

Watch our video, recorded at London's green Park, where we tell about the attitude to Russians in UK universities and in the country as a whole.

Your Education Index, may 2018