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How to choose the undergraduate program at the University of applied Sciences, the Netherlands
How to choose the undergraduate program at the University of applied Sciences, the Netherlands
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How to choose the undergraduate program at the University of applied Sciences, the Netherlands

Students go to study abroad in order to obtain profession and interesting high-paying job after graduation. What to look for when choosing the educational program of the University of applied Sciences in the Netherlands, so that these plans become a reality?

Here the most important points, which need to focus on:

1. Define your personal interests, career plans, review the forecasts of the labour market

Making a choice in favor of a program, students often indulges in extremes: either they choose based on personal interests, or of what currently seems popular and prestigious.

Of course, the subject area and the programme must correspond with the personal interests of the student — otherwise, even in the best University to learn to be bored. Another issue is that in the Netherlands the choice of English language programmes allows you to best fit your interests and needs, and this fact is necessary to use.

In respect of career prospects to be guided solely by considerations of popularity and prestige of the profession currently not worth it — much safer to study trends in the labour market of those countries where you plan to work after graduation, now and in 5-10 years ' time. The information obtained may surprise you. For example, a business specialty, so popular today among students from Russia, are in quite low demand on the labour market in the Netherlands - much more technical and in-demand IT specialty, chemists, logistics managers, designers.

2. Study in detail the structure and content of the program

An important feature of Dutch education is that the content of programs of universities of applied Sciences are standardized by 60-70% and the implementation of those standards controlled by the state.

Bachelor program consists of major core subjects, which includes educational and necessary to further dive into specialty items and minor second, more specialization that best suits the interests of the student. A similar system of majors accepted into American universities.

The structure of the bachelor programs at universities of applied Sciences the Netherlands

Standard structure of the bachelor of applied universities in the Netherlands looks like this:

Year 1: General subjects, work in the classroom and independent work individual and in group;

2nd year: subjects in the major field, classroom work, independent work, projects with a tutor, perhaps studying additional specialization (minor);

3 year: 1 semester - teaching in-class and independent,

2 semester 2 unit subjects an additional specialization (minor) or study in the partner University abroad;

4 year: 1 semester working on a thesis project for a company with a tutor;

2nd semester - internship at the company.

Academic year in universities in the Netherlands consists of two semesters, each of which is divided into several blocks. Classroom learning takes students much less time than in Russian universities. The training is in small groups and individually, with a mentor. Many homework students perform in the group.

Read more about features of educational process in Holland compared to Russia, please click here.

Universities the Netherlands is assigned to the following bachelor's degrees:

  • Bachelor of Science (BSc)
  • Bachelor of Arts (BA)
  • Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (BEng)
  • Bachelor of Education (BEd)
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
  • Bachelor of Music (BMus)
  • and others.

3. Please specify which internship you will pass under the selected program

Assistance in finding internships is one of the most interesting opportunities to students at Dutch universities. If all goes well and the employer will appreciate the work of the student during the internship, can offer him a place at the end of training.

4. Explore the opportunities to study in partner universities

Dutch universities focus on the fact that the training group was really international. But a semester at another University in the world is a great opportunity to deepen the international experience and to learn in two countries. This opportunity is offered by all universities of applied Sciences in the Netherlands.

Here are some examples: Zuyd University of Applied Sciences cooperates with such famous universities as Oxford Brookes University and the University of Leeds in the UK, Penn State University and University of San Francisco in the USA, REU them. Plekhanov Russia, as well as with universities in other countries of Europe and the world.

A list of universities-partners The Hague University of Applied Sciences is impressive - there are universities from USA, UK, Austria,France, Belgium, Ireland, South Korea, Indonesia, Brazil, China and many other countries.

5. Visit the test classes in the selected high school

Dutch universities hold open Days and days of trial employment during which the applicant may during the school day for students as possible take advantage of this offer, because this way you will get the most complete idea of what awaits you in your chosen University.

All universities in the Netherlands interested in the fact that the student was satisfied with the education they had received and became a popular and successful specialist in the labour market — but especially applied universities in the Netherlands that do not participate in the world rankings and that successful graduates is the main way to build reputation.

Good luck!