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The cost of studying in the Netherlands

The following are examples of the cost of education in the Netherlands on the first higher, master's degree, PhD, MBA.

The average price of attending the University of Holland at the undergraduate, first higher: €5.000-€12.000.

The average cost of higher education in the Netherlands for master's degree, second higher: €7.000-€21.000.

The cost of some programs may depend on the specialization of the University and specific programs.

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Useful, about the cost of studying in Holland

The cost of tuition at research universities and universities of applied Sciences are different: as a rule, the cost of education in research universities is higher by 15-20%. Dutch universities set the tuition for the two types of students: for students from member countries of the European Union - “home fee” for foreign students (all other countries) “overseas fee”. Russian students fall into the latter category.

The cost of education in the Netherlands on the first secondary, baccalaureate

Given the programs of the first higher education (bachelor degree) lasting three or four years, respectively, to calculate the full cost of the education programme, should be multiplied by three or four fees per year of study. The duration of training varies from the type of school – bachelor at research universities lasts 3 years, at universities of applied Sciences – 4 years.

The cost of the student's stay in the Netherlands

To the price study must also add the cost of living in Holland. According to experts for the academic year You will need about €10,000 lbs at 9 months of residence in the Netherlands (study does not exclude the possibility to earn a little).

The duration of study in magistracy in Holland

The master's program in the Netherlands last 1-2 years both in research universities and universities of applied Sciences, depending on the curriculum, course structure and subject.

Is there a budget study at Dutch universities?

To do on a budget in University in the Netherlands, unfortunately, impossible, because the universities of the Netherlands do not offer funded places to students. Most foreign students receiving higher education in the Netherlands, pays for his education entirely. For example, the cost of undergraduate programs BBA in International Business Innovation Studies at InHolland University of Applied Sciences for students from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and other countries outside the EU will be €7.776, and for students from countries - EU members will be €2.006.

Some universities in Netherlands provide scholarships to students and / or cancel all or part of the payments for the studies. The Dutch government offers scholarships for foreigners. In the master's programs are typically offered more scholarships than for the first higher (undergraduate) education.