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BI Norwegian Business School


BI’s relentless focus on keeping close bonds to the business world as well as investing heavily in research has set us apart as an educational institution for future leaders. We are among the 1% of business schools with a "Triple Crown" accreditation, and our international reputation ensures your degree will be valued all over the world.

  • Education focused on real business challenges
  • Triple Crown-accredited school
  • High quality teachers and research faculty
  • Modern campus with vibrant student communities

Education focused on real business challenges

BI has a strong connection to the business world. In fact, one in four Norwegian business leaders graduated from BI. That is more than any other school in Norway. So if you are planning a career in Norway, chances are high that someone who understands your education will interview you.

It also means that we get a lot of input on how we can make our teaching more relevant. What challenges are businesses facing? What competencies are needed to succeed? Where is the job market headed?

At BI you will work with real cases and business challenges.

Triple Crown-accredited school

When you are applying for positions you will not get far without the right combination of knowledge and skills. You can be a talented applicant with all the skills required, but if your education is not accredited in the country you want to work in, you will never get the job you are applying for.

BI is the only business school in Norway with the three largest international accreditations:

  • European Foundation for Management Development (EQUIS) 
  • Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) 
  • Association of MBAs (AMBA) 

Globally, less than 1% of business schools have managed to achieve triple accreditation. Schools that achieve the three accreditations are referred to as "Triple Crown" schools.

Our ability to continually maintain and improve a high standard is a guarantee that your degree will be recognised and valued all over the world, increasing your employability.

  • Year established
  • Registered students

Academic specialism

High quality teachers and research faculty

You're going to spend a lot of time listening to teachers and lecturers, and what could be worse than uninspired faculty who do not care about their subjects? Who wants lecturers who just deliver the same lesson as the year before without updating them on what is happening around the world?

BI has one of Europe's most productive research faculties. We pride ourselves in setting the standard for how future businesses will be managed. As a student here you learn from professionals who are extremely keen to remain at the forefront of their fields and who are proud to make their mark on the subject they teach.


Three accreditations are especially important for a business school with international ambitions: the European EQUIS (European Quality Improvement Systems), the American AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) and the British AMBA (The Association of MBAs).

Schools that achieve all three of these accreditations are called Triple Crown Schools, and they are in a class of their own among international business schools. Less than 1 % of business schools worldwide have achieved triple accreditation. The accreditations are proof of BI's rigorous standards.

What does the accreditation mean to you?

As a student, the triple accreditation means that:

  • Your degree will be recognised and valued all over the world, thus increasing your employability
  • Your education holds high academic and ethical standards, and meets the demands of the labour market
  • Your learning process at BI is supported by a team of high quality teachers
  • Your opportunity to experience extra-curricular activities is world class

As an employer, the triple accreditation means that:

  • Graduates with a degree from BI will have the knowledge and skills necessary to meet your needs
  • The content of BI's academic programmes is constantly updated and developed, in alignment with the expectations of employers globally
  • Our academic programmes are supported by high quality research and have an international perspective


Financial Times Rankings

Over the past years BI has moved up more than 30 places in Financial Times European Business Schools Ranking. The results of the sub-rankings are summarised in a European Schools Ranking. The most important factors measured are linked to alumni´s wage levels and careers development, and customer satisfaction.

  • 28 October 2019: MSc in Business top 100 in new FT ranking
  • 18 November 2019: BI nr. 1 amongst the Nordic countries in FT Ranking for the 3rd consecutive year
  • 9 December 2019: BI ranked as best business school in Norway
  • 16 April 2020: BI withdraws from the FT MiM ranking 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Eduniversal Top Business School Worldwide

Eduniversal selects 1000 schools to its annual ranking. The candidates are selected on the basis of reputation among the other participants. The last five years BI have been among the twenty best in Europe, along with schools as London Business School, INSEAD and HEC School of Management.

The Economist – Masters in Management (MiM) Rankings

The Economist has ranked the 40 best 'Masters in Management' programmes in the world. The participating schools are ranked based on various criteria related to faculty, students, alumni and statistics from BI, which includes job offerings within three months of graduation, salary, and how students and alumni rank the school facilities and other services.

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BI Norwegian Business School
37 N-0484
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BI Norwegian Business School has 4 campuses in Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger, and Trondheim:

1. Oslo: 

BI Norwegian Business School

Nydalsveien 37

0484 Oslo

2. Bergen: 

BI Norwegian Business School

Kong Christian Frederiks plass 5

5006 Bergen

3. Stavanger: 

BI Norwegian Business School

Byfjordparken 17

4007 Stavanger

4. Trondheim: 

BI Norwegian Business School

Brattørkaia 16

7010 Trondheim