Study mode | Start date | Duration | Fee | Fee per | Year of study |
Study modeFull-time | Start date Jan, May, Aug | Durationsemesters: 2 | Fee$22400 | Fee perWhole course | Year of study2016 - 2017 |
FIU’s Global First Year (GFY) is created specifically for international students. As a GFY student, you will enjoy 24/7 support services, intensive English courses tailored to your class schedule, and a curriculum which combines requirements from your chosen major with courses about your new home’s culture, history, and traditions. The GFY sets you up for success from your first day on campus all the way through graduation, and beyond.
In the GFY you are given all the tools you need for academic, social, and professional success. Along with classmates from around the globe, you will form a right-knit community and integrate seamlessly into life on campus. Have a true American university experience, from cheering on the Panthers at an American football game to interning with Fortune 500 companies – your possibilities are endless.
During the GFY you will earn 31-34 credits during your first year, and progress directly into the second year of your degree in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Entry requirements
G1Y students may pursue any of the 140 undergraduate degree options offered. However, many degree programs have unique entry and progression requirements based on academic background and performance.
- High school diploma (“attestat”) with GPA not below 2.8
- IELTS 5.5 or TOEFL 68.
Located in the thriving city of Miami, FIU’s modern buildings and beautiful grounds welcome you to our diverse, friendly community, while our industry connections and internship opportunities help you launch your career in a global marketplace.
People come from all over the world to experience Miami’s beaches, culture, food, and festivals. And, at FIU, you’ll take classes and make friends with students from all over the world in the spectacularly lush settings of our Modesto A. Maidique and Biscayne Bay campuses. You’ll do it while being 30 minutes from South Beach and the Atlantic Ocean, the Everglades National Park and downtown. Plus, you’re only a three-hour flight from New York City, and a short flight to both Central and South America.