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University of Surrey, The International Foundation Year

United Kingdom


Study mode Start date Duration Fee Fee per Year of study
Study modeFull-time Start date Feb, Sep Durationmonths: 9 - 12 Fee£15550 Fee perWhole course Year of study2017 - 2018

If you would like to study at Surrey, but do not meet the requirements for direct entry to the University, you can take the International Foundation Year at the International Study Centre (ISC), which will ensure you gain the skills and knowledge to succeed in your degree.

The International Foundation Year is a tailor-made three-term course of academic subjects, study skills and English language training that provides an intensive, direct path to degree study. The course prepares you for undergraduate study in a range of subject areas at the University.


There are two subject route options offering specialist preparation for a wide variety of undergraduate programmes.  All Foundation routes are modular in structure. There are core modules common to each route. These are modules which every student must take as they provide essential preparation for study in a UK university. You will also study route-specific modules, each carefully designed to focus on the academic areas most useful to your planned subject of study.

Your study will consist of 16 hours per week lecture and seminar style classes, and 25 hours per week made up of small group seminar work and directed self-study.

Below is the list of International Foundation routes and Bachelor course you will be able to access on successful completion of the International Foundation Year:

>> Business, >> Economics, >> Law and >> Politics,

>> Engineering, >> Science, and >> Mathematics.

International Foundation at other International Study Centres

>> International Foundation at Sussex University

>> International Foundation at Royal Holloway

>> International Foundation at Lancaster University

Entry requirements

  • Successful completion of ATTESTAT/Certificate of Secondary Education with grade average of 4,
  • IELTS 5.5 overall. If you don’t have a current IELTS or TOEFL grade, you may still apply to the ISC,
  • At least 17 years old. 


One of the world’s great financial, political and cultural capitals is connected to Guildford by a short, fast, direct train link, so you can be in London for a breakfast and back again well before lunch. And if you need to go further away, you’ll find both Gatwick and Heathrow international airports right on our doorstep. But it’s not just the great transport links that make us the best place for you to be.

Enjoying all the benefits of the Courts of Residence on the Stag Hill campus, the University's accommodation at nearby Manor Park is situated in an area of great natural beauty. Designed as a car-free student village, with a subsidised bus service, Manor Park offers a first-class learning and living environment. In addition Hazel Farm on the edge of Guildford provides an affordable option with the added benefit of a free bus pass valid throughout the town. You can access the University easily from all of our Courts of Residence, whether on foot or by bus.