Study mode | Start date | Duration | Fee | Fee per | Year of study |
Study modeFull-time | Start date Jan, Apr, Jul, Sep | Durationmonths: 12 | Fee£12250 | Fee perWhole course | Year of study2017 - 2018 |
Get the perfect preparation for your degree at DMU with International Foundation Certificate (IFC). The IFC is especially designed to allow international students to progress directly onto the first year of a degree at DMU.
There are 6 different pathways available:
- Art and Design
- Business and Law
- Engineering and Computing
- Life Sciences
- Media
- Pharmacy
Progressing to your degree
Personal Tutor
You will have a personal tutor who will make sure that you are on track to achieve your study goals. They will give you feedback both in person and in writing so that you always know how you are doing, and how to improve. You will also be assessed through regular tests and exams.
English language lessons
In addition to the core modules, there is also a continuous English language module to help undergraduate students improve their language skills.
Every IFY has the following elements:
- Mathematics and IT: The ability to confidently use computers and handle numbers is vital to research and analysis.
- Communication: Learn how to deliver presentations, write an academic essay, complete projects and work as a team – all skills which you will need as an undergraduate student.
- English for Academic Purposes (EAP): As an international student, it is vital that you are able to communicate in English and understand your lectures.
- Academic Subjects: These are subject-specific modules which relate to your chosen pathway.
Entry requirements
- IELTS 5.0, or IELTS 4.5 if taking an added term of English Language Skills.
- High school certificate or equivalent from your home country
How to apply?
An application form is enclosed with the LIPC prospectus. Your application will need to include copies of all relevant academic transcripts and certificates of English language qualifications. You will have to send your completed application to Leicester International Pathway College.