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English language courses abroad

Learn English abroad

English abroad for students and adults is one of the fastest and most effective ways to speak and to improve understanding of foreign speech at the hearing. To learn the language for years, but never to start to speak and understand it fluently. The advantages of learning English abroad is obvious, but is there such a learning downside, the disadvantages? Face it.

Advantages and disadvantages of learning English abroad

The advantages of learning English abroad include the following:

  • The immersion allows you to learn more effective, faster removes the language barrier and communicate with native speakers helps to feel the living language, to better understand speech, to gain conversational vocabulary and eventually freer to Express their thoughts.
  • The opportunity to try foreign methods of teaching that are not practiced in their home country.
  • The opportunity to combine knowledge acquisition with relaxation and entertainment.
  • The ability to enable a natural process of remembering is a new experience, impressions will be those “forget-me-knot”, which by themselves and will leave forever in the memory of the words and concepts associated with them.

Disadvantages of learning English abroad, in our view, far less than the pros. These include:

  • Higher overall costs to the cost of classroom instruction for English learners abroad additional fee for room and tickets. The costs of stay in the country.
  • Some people think that to combine study and travel means a lack of time none of those things. However, this problem is easily solved — you can take an intensive or super intensive English language course and travel, tours and entertainment to be postponed for another trip.
  • Complications can arise for those who are going to learn the language abroad from scratch. Of course, schools which offer such programmes will provide a special approach, but it is difficult to do the assignment, written in a language that you don't know yet. And social interaction in this case will cause a lot of difficulties.

English abroad summer

To spend summer vacations and holidays with pleasure and benefit, if you combine a trip to good company and study English language courses abroad. Language training will be more effective than home — because abroad you can immediately practice the acquired knowledge in practice.

The cost of studying English abroad

Spread rates in English schools abroad is quite large. The price depends on the country, of training course, for example, the General English course will cost less than the English for business or study of any specialized vocabulary.Academic English for students preparing for the IELTS and TOEFL are more expensive due to the fact that such courses last for a long time (at least months).

In addition, the cost of learning English depends on the group size, number of classes per week (intensive, superintensive). The most expensive options - one on one training with the instructor or program of study with a homestay teacher.