XJTLU, PhD, Computer Science and Software Engineering
Study mode |
Start date |
Duration |
Fee international |
Fee study period |
Year of study |
Study modeFull-time |
Start date Sep |
Durationyears: 4 |
Fee international$12000 |
Fee study periodAcademic year |
Year of study2021 |
The three-year PhD programme within the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering gives suitably-qualified students the chance to address important problems and challenges in computing.
The programme:
develops your understanding of the research process and your ability to analyse and constructively augment a particular research area
provides you with experience of communicating research results in written and oral form
equips you with advanced knowledge and research skills that are relevant to both academia and industry.
We provide high-calibre, discipline-specific training that takes advantage of XJTLU's distinctive international features and vibrant research environment.
The programme is a strategic research collaboration between XJTLU and the University of Liverpool, and is based at XJTLU. Upon successful completion of your programme you will receive a degree from the University of Liverpool, which is recognised by the UK’s Department of Education as well as China’s Ministry of Education.
Students on this programme are formally registered with the University of Liverpool as off-site postgraduate research students. You will carry out research on XJTLU premises under the supervision of the supervisory team.
As a PhD student you will be appointed a designated primary (local) supervisor at XJTLU, who is a full-time member of academic staff. In addition, you will also have a designated secondary supervisor based at the University of Liverpool.
The normal length of full-time PhD programme is three years. At the end of three years’ full-time study, you can apply for an extension of one year to complete the writing of your dissertation. Part-time PhD degrees usually take four to seven years.
As a registered full-time PhD student, you have the opportunity to apply for a research visit to the University of Liverpool for up to three months. Your accommodation and travel fees will be covered by XJTLU and the University of Liverpool.
Full-time PhD students are funded to attend local and international conferences during their studies.
Other courses at Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University