Strathclyde, University of, BEng, Computer & Electronic Systems
Study mode |
Start date |
Duration |
Fee international |
Fee study period |
Year of study |
Study modeFull-time |
Start date Sep |
Durationyears: 4 |
Fee international£18000 |
Fee study periodAcademic year |
Year of study2017 |
What do 3D TV, digital cameras, smart phones, the iPad and sports instant replay have in common? They're all examples of technology which have been developed combining skills from both Computer Science and Electronic Engineering. These subjects have become increasingly intertwined in recent years, so there is a need for engineers with the ability to create and embed intelligence into the products and systems of the future.
Engineers with operational and technical expertise in both electronics and software engineering are needed to design the next generation of computer apps, interactive vehicle robotic agents that monitor driver information and respond accordingly, or digital cinema technology. This degree is designed to produce these skilled professional engineers.
We have very high student satisfaction and graduate employment rates, and offer an extensive industry-supported scholarship programme.
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