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Study mode | Start date | Duration | Fee international | Fee UK/ EU | Fee study period | Year of study |
Study modeFull-time | Start date Sep | Durationyears: 3 | Fee international£14800 | Fee UK/ EU£9250 | Fee study periodAcademic year | Year of study2017 - 2018 |
This programme provides opportunities to study cultures and societies through both literary and historical materials and approaches.
The teaching is shared between two groups of specialists within the School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing (from which the programme is organised), and History. It enables students to combine the study of literary texts with that of the social and political worlds in which they were made and circulated. Historians and literary critics sometimes read the same documents, but they have different approaches and employ different methods of analysis: this programme presents the opportunity to explore both approaches. The combination leads towards an understanding not simply of literature and history, but of culture and cultural studies.
The University of East Anglia is based in the vibrant city of Norwich, located in the east of England. The city is less than two hours by train from London and is a unique blend of historic English architecture and modern design, which creates a dynamic and unforgettable atmosphere.
Norwich is home to eight theatres, five museums, four cinemas, two cathedrals, four music venues and a castle. There are 300 pubs, restaurants and bars,1500 historic buildings as well as modern developments such as The Forum, which is the home of the regional BBC studio and the award-winning Millennium Library.
As a base for exploring Britain, Norwich is just a short journey from Cambridge and other key cities with coaches and trains conveniently connecting you with the rest of the UK. International students are also able to take advantage of Norwich International Airport which is conveniently located 15 minutes from campus.