NEU, MA, International Affairs
Study mode |
Start date |
Duration |
Fee international |
Fee study period |
Year of study |
Full-time |
Jan, Aug |
years: 2 |
$46620 |
Academic year |
2017 |
We live in an increasingly interconnected global environment where people, goods, ideas and conflicts traverse borders with rising frequency. Leaders in the activist, policy and academic spheres must learn not only how to critically analyze these phenomena but also to envisage harnessing their constructive potential. The Master of Arts (MA) in International Affairs is an interdisciplinary graduate program dedicated to preparing tomorrow’s global citizens.
A holistic approach to enhancing our understanding of the world must span the limits of any one academic field and embrace cross-disciplinary analytical competencies. Spanning several social sciences and humanities, our courses are taught by leading scholars who research democratization, gender, globalization, ethnic conflict and cooperation, human rights and international law, international relations, social activism, social justice and many other topics. Through its core courses, its two tracks — Globalization, Development and Social Justice; and International Public Policy — as well as global and regional electives, this graduate program allows students to pursue a variety of themes.
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