successful admissions
of students enter the university of their choice
students consult Education Index when applying for universites
Study mode | Start date | Duration | Fee international | Fee study period | Year of study |
Study modeFull-time | Start date September | Durationyears: 2 | Fee international8186 | Fee study periodAcademic year | Year of studyn/a |
Regional campuses are located in Burlington, Waterloo, Niagara and downtown Hamilton. Hamilton is the ninth largest city in Canada, fourth largest in Ontario, and ranked as one of the top 10 places to do business in Canada. Situated on the Niagara escarpment, Hamilton is only 45 minutes from Toronto and the U.S. border.
McMaster's main campus is bicycle and pedestrian friendly and easily accessed by municipal (HSR bus service) and GO Transit. McMaster's Downtown Centre at 50 Main Street East is conveniently situated in the core of Hamilton and is very well-serviced by local transit and all out-of-town buses that arrive and depart from Hamilton's GO Centre.