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Study mode | Start date | Duration | Fee international | Fee study period | Year of study |
Study modeFull-time | Start date Jan, May, Sep | Durationmonths: 12 | Fee international£14100 | Fee study periodWhole course | Year of study2017 - 2018 |
Programme for International students gives a unique opportunity to join the Brunel Business school. In this pathway you will gain a broad business and management background and the analytical, technical and interpersonal skills needed to understand, analyse and address the issues facing today’s companies. By choosing particular modules in the later stages of your degree you will also be granted exemptions from select professional examinations in the fields of accounting, marketing or business and management.
The University is just a 20-minute walk – or a short bus ride – from Uxbridge underground station, so it is a straightforward journey into central London. There is also a night bus that can bring you from central London to the edge of the campus. The town of Uxbridge itself, which still has buildings dating back to its time as a Georgian market town, is a thriving commercial and business centre. Its major shopping complexes, The Pavilions and the Chimes Centre, boast a wide range of shops, cafes and a nine-screen multiplex cinema.