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Aston University, BSc (Hons), Biomedical Science

 United Kingdom


Study mode Start date Duration Fee international Fee UK/ EU Fee study period Year of study
Study modeFull-time Start daten/a Durationyears: 3 Fee international£16850 Fee UK/ EU£9000 Fee study periodAcademic year Year of study2016 - 2017
Study modeFull-time Start daten/a Durationyears: 4 Fee internationaln/a Fee UK/ EUn/a Fee study period Year of studyn/a

Course is delivered by Aston’s School of Life and Health Sciences, one of the leading centres of Health Sciences in the UK, with an outstanding reputation for teaching and research.

Biomedical Science at Aston University is offered as a three-year full-time degree, or a four-year programme with an integrated one-year clinical placement in a hospital’s Clinical Pathology Accredited laboratory in the third year and a four-year sandwich option with a placement in an industrial or research laboratory.

 Students wishing to become professional Biomedical Scientists working in the NHS enrol onto the 4-year Biomedical Science programme and if successful in gaining a placement transfer at the end of year two to the 4-year Applied Biomedical Science programme. The Applied Biomedical Science route is approved by the Health Professions Council (HPC), the regulatory body for Biomedical Scientists, and graduates will immediately be eligible to apply to the HPC for registration as professional Biomedical Scientists.  


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The Aston University campus is located on a green 60 acre, self contained site in the centre of Birmingham, within 5-10 minutes walk of the main shopping, business and entertainment areas of the city. And it is within a 20-minute journey by rail to Birmingham International Airport that has direct flights to Europe.

ONCAMPUS Aston is based on the campus of Aston University located in the city of Birmingham.