Acadia, BSc, Computer Science with specialization in Game Development
Study mode |
Start date |
Duration |
Fee international |
Fee study period |
Year of study |
Full-time |
n/a |
years: 4 |
£14990 |
Whole course |
n/a |
Playing a video game is fun. Building a video game as part of a dynamic studio team is some of most exciting work you can imagine. Game development requires serious skills including programming, software engineering, and modeling; applying the latest techniques in Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics, Human Computer Interaction and other important areas of Computer Science. In order to succeed in this rapidly-changing field, you must have the necessary foundations, and you must be prepared to be a life-long learner. The BCS Specialization in Game Development is a four-year program that provides the foundations necessary for a rewarding career in the exciting field of game development.
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