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Hanze UAS, BSc, Game Design and Development



Study mode Start date Duration Fee international Fee study period Year of study
Study modeFull-time Start date Sep Durationyears: 4 Fee international€7500 Fee study periodAcademic year Year of study2017
Games can be seen all around us, from popular mainstream games on consoles and PCs, to mobile and tablet-based games that are played for entertainment. Moreover, they are increasingly used as learning tools, in the form of so-called serious games. You may like playing games, but you’re particularly curious about what it takes to make a game work: its looks, its mechanics, and its internal technical system. This four year international major in Game Design & Development prepares you for an international career in the field of game design and development. Throughout the programme, you will work on defining and promoting game concepts, creating 2D and 3D artwork, as well as developing the code for gameplay. After completing this programme, you will be able to work in the international game industry as a game designer, game artist, or game developer.

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Hanze UAS has locations in Assen (Hanze Institute of Technology), Leeuwarden (Pop Culture), and Amsterdam (Dance Academy). The remaining 16 schools are located in the city of Groningen.