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Statistics-based rankings of universities UK

UK pays close attention to ensuring high quality education. For this, among other measures, actively pursued the collection of statistical information and its further analysis. On the basis of findings solved a variety of issues, from the allocation of public funding to the rankings to help applicants.

In fact statistics is much more organizations, but we list the ones that feature most prominently as sources of information for building today's popular rankings of universities:

UCAS (Universities & Colleges Admissions Service) is a centralized system of collecting applications for admission to all higher education institutions in the UK. It provides statistics on incoming requests can be seen as an indicator of popularity of one or another educational institutions and specific disciplines, as well as national and regional priorities.

The National Student Survey (NSS) - a national survey of students, which takes place annually among all graduates of higher education institutions, which aims to find out the opinion of students regarding the quality of the studied programs and the school as a whole. The questionnaire consists of six sections: teaching (Teaching), assessment and feedback (Assessment) & Feedback, academic support (Academic Support), organization and management (Organisation & Management), training facilities (Learning Resources), personal development (Personal Development) plus the issue of the quality of the program and the University as a whole (Overall Satisfaction question).

The Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) – a study conducted every four golubitskii organizations responsible for distributing state funding and control over the efficiency of its use by universities. This factor in the British higher education sector is very important, because a substantial part of scientific research is done at universities. According to the results of their research, which evaluates the RAE, carried out subsequent public funding of educational institutions, which can not have a significant impact on their work. A recent study conducted in the UK in late 2008, the results have been published. They are available on the organization's website.

The Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) is the Central source for collecting, analysing and publishing statistics relating to higher education in the UK.

Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) statistical study HESA about the kind of activity of graduates of British universities within 6 months upon completion of the program (working in the specialty, continuing education).

Information provided by all these sources, serves another important purpose – to create multifaceted, diverse and robust education system, and all the processes to make public.

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