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Interview with operators of the state program of financing of education of Russian citizens at foreign universities Global Education
Interview with operators of the state program of financing of education of Russian citizens at foreign universities Global Education
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Interview with operators of the state program of financing of education of Russian citizens at foreign universities Global Education

In the interview below You will find information about:

  • conditions of receiving funding

  • prospects of expanding the list of areas of training

  • the submission deadline for a grant

  • the size of the grant

In 2016, the remaining 380 quotas for scholarships. Time to go and get funding from the government of Russia!

  1. Good day! Please tell for whom is the program "Global education"? What is its purpose?

Program "Global Education" is a state funding program of education of Russian citizens at foreign universities and their subsequent employment in Russia. The program is aimed at preservation and enhancement of the scientific, pedagogical, medical, engineering and administrative personnel of the Russian Federation. Our goal is the strengthening of human resources and potential of the country.

Global Education awards grants for Russian citizens who want to study in a magistracy, postgraduate study and residency abroad. One of the important conditions is the presence of the diploma of bachelor or specialist, no age limit we have. Upon graduation, the Program participant must return to the country and find employment in one of the organizations according to their subject matter.

The maximum grant amount in year – 2 763 600 Russian rubles as of July 2016.

  1. On what basis was the selected five priority areas of study?

To begin with we recall the main priority directions:

  • Science

  • Education

  • Medicine

  • Engineering

  • Management in social sphere

As we said earlier, the goal of the Program is strengthening the human resource of the country. These areas were selected because at the moment they require the most influence highly qualified personnel.

  1. Do you plan to expand the list of specialties participating in the Program?

At this stage of the development programme for the expansion of the list of priority areas is not planned, them remains five. But specialization in these areas, on the contrary, updated and added to. Updated data You can track on our official website under the Member – Universities and the Educational Program, or to request updated information from the operator of the Program.

  1. When is the best time to apply for participation in the Program?

During the year we have opened 4 of the selection process. Until the end of 2016 remains another selection. Closing date – 6 November. We suggest to apply as early as possible to allow the operator time to check the documents, and the participant had the opportunity to make adjustments if necessary. After the closure of the competitive selection lists of candidates and their documents shall be transferred to the Supervisory Board.

  1. What toriteria pay attention in the first place when selecting candidates?

When calculating the rating of a candidate, take into account the following parameters:

  • Candidate's position in the electronic queue

  • Experience professional activities

  • Presence of publications on the results of research and development in scientific journals indexed in Scopus or Web of Science (only SCIENCE)

  • Training in leading foreign educational institution at the time of application.

It is important to add that for us is a priority that all documents offered us the candidate, as well as compliance with basic requirements for educational program and University the presence of the University in our lists, the availability of the chosen direction in the University and correct the name of the curriculum.

I want to note that the purpose of the Program – financing 718 citizens of the Russian Federation until the end of 2016. At the moment the grant received 224 of the winner, another 116 candidates are awaiting the decision of the Supervisory Board. Simple arithmetic tells us that before the end of the year, about 380 people are waiting for their winners. The quota is open, however, hurry!

  1. What educational programs would You recommend to do to the students of humanitarian profile, to be able to participate in the Program?

The students of humanitarian profile is a separate category of our participants. Their choice of curriculum can vary widely. It is important to understand their formation at the moment and future goals. So, humanitarians often choose programs in the social and educational sectors.

We do not put any of the other priority areas. If a student wants to radically change his life and get a new profession in a foreign master, we can't prevent this. The main thing for a candidate is successfully entered for the selected specialization. In the event of its full compliance with all our requirements, the chances of getting the grant are very high.

  1. How to calculate the amount of the grant? Changing the amount depending on the exchange rate? Does the size of the grant from the country of study?

We think that first we need to remind our readers that as of July 2016, the maximum grant amount per year is 2 763 600 rubles. The grant amount is calculated on the basis of two components – tuition and related expenses. The cost of training specified in the documents that come from the University. The candidate prescribes this amount in the budget in the currency of the country where he plans to further learning. The amount of outgoings prescribed in rubles. The maximum you can request for the associated costs is 1 381 800 rubles, exactly half of the grant amount. First and foremost, get a grant to cover Your training and, on this basis, calculated the rest for spending money.

  1. What are the chances of the graduates after the Program to find a job in a large Russian company?

Man with foreign education more competitive, so chances are very high. A lot depends on the candidate himself – his desire, motivation, commitment, success interviews, obtained the qualification.

  1. Do the organizers of the promotion of employment?

During the whole period of participation in the Program we stay in touch. Our employees will conduct a survey of the winners for the revealing of professional and personal skills. Of course, much rests on the shoulders of the person. It needs to observe a number of demands – to create a resume, posting it on HeadHunter and other portals, to create a video message to a future employer, actively sending out my resume and get in touch with the desired place of future work.

The operator of the Program "Global education" for its part, encourages participants – explores possible variants of vacancies.

  1. Do you plan to extend the Program in the future?

The program shows good results, so the question of extension will be decided in the next few months. Keep track of the news on our official website and social networks.

  1. What advice would you give to potential candidates?

Don't miss this wonderful chance to act! Everything is in your hands, dear friends ☺