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Scholarships for study abroad

Higher education abroad in English pay, but more than a third of students studying for free thanks to scholarships and grants. As for foreigners, according to statistics published by USNews, 80% of them pay study from personal savings or through family help, whereas 8% received a scholarship or grant to study abroad.

Payment of scholarships to foreign students is a common practice, and invest in them not only universities, but also various governmental and private organizations interested in teaching a particular subject area.

In addition to financial aid offered by universities abroad, grants and scholarships for free tuition abroad can be a look in their country. For example, in Russia there are state scholarship program Global educationin Kazakhstan - scholarship Bolashak.

Details about how to get a grant abroad, read this section.

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Scholarships faculty of Economics University of Toledo USA

Being one of the best research universities in the world, according to the rating of Times Higher Education, the University of Toledo, Ohio...

Master’s Scholarships 2021 in the University of Reading

The University of Reading provides an extensive range of scholarships to master’s students. Some awards are offered directly by the Univers...

Football scholarship Aston Villa Scholarship from Aston University in the UK

In connection with the ongoing Russia's World Cup, we would like to remember about this great opportunity to become closer to the world of ...

University of York has announced a scholarship!

University of York published available scholarships for 2018-2019. Among them, there are great deals for Russian students!

How to get an athletic scholarship in the USA

sport in America is at the highest in the world level, so the universities are carefully selected promising candidates in their sports teams

Scholarships for the training program ONCAMPUS

ONCAMPUS offers special prices for training programs in UK, USA and Holland.

100% scholarship University Oxford Brookes

Applications are accepted for scholarships that completely cover training at Oxford Brookes

Reception of documents for "Bolashak" scholarship 2017: what has changed?

Become aware of the filing deadlines for the scholarship "Bolashak" in Kazakhstan, and what changes have affected the competitive selection...

7 leading UK universities approved by the Global education and example programs

See sample programs of seven leading UK universities approved fellowship program Global education.

Walk in University of Reading grants Global education and Bolashak!

The University of reading is pleased to announce that in the 2017-2018 school year, participates in the scholarship program Global Educatio...

Scholarships University of York for international students

The University of York highlights partial and full scholarships for foreign students coming to the undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate...

Global education extended to 2025

The long-awaited news for prospective students who plan to study in foreign universities under the program “Global education”!

Scholarship Eastern Michigan University allows foreigners to study as cheap as the Americans

To attract talents from all over the world, Eastern Michigan University equalizes the cost of education for foreigners and residents of the...

Special rates for training programmes in the universities of great Britain and Ireland

From 1 March to 31 may 2017 in the centers of ISC significantly reduced the cost of training for the Foundation programme — training in the...

Full scholarship for students from Russia from Leicester Castle Business School University DMU

Full scholarship for master's degree students and graduate from Business school "Leicester castle"

Advice to students on preparation of application for a scholarship of Orange Tulip Scholarship 2018/19

About the intricacies of registration and submission of documents for scholarship of the OTS, the common mistakes and pitfalls encountered ...

Birkbeck, University of London announced scholarships!

Birkbeck, University of London published a list of available scholarships for the 2017-2018 school year.

Scholarship of Orange Tulip Scholarship for the 2018/19 academic year

Is accepting applications for a scholarship to study in universities of Netherlands Orange Tulip Scholarship for the academic year 2018/19.

Universities that meets your request is not found. Write on info@educationindex.ru or send your requestand our staff will help you choose the right University.

Полезное, о стипендиях и грантах за рубежом

What is the different from the scholarship grant

As a rule, the scholarship is allocated to pay for educational programs, and grant — for research.

Scholarships are usually intended for the financing of education at the University, the programs consisting of mainly classroom teaching and practices. They can cover student expenses fully or partially - including tuition, accommodation and personal expenses.

Scholarships are awarded for outstanding academic merit and personal achievements: excellent academic results and high achievements in sports, successful activities in the field of art, science, volunteering, and any socially useful work, etc.

The term “grants” is most often associated with research and often involves the payment of work in laboratories, participation in conferences, scientific publications, and training for research master's programmes or doctoral studies.

Grants are awarded primarily for achievements in applied and fundamental science, as well as for excellent academic performance. Personal qualities of a young scientist are also interested in a Commission, which is considering an application for a grant.

How to get a scholarship to study abroad?

The fellowship takes place in parallel with admission, as all scholarships are awarded for specific programs at specific universities. Selection criteria fellows are set by the universities and can be very different, but perhaps the most important of them — a letter of motivation is largely similar to what you create when you enroll in College. Make your story about themselves, their life goals and career plans, about how education can help them clear, compelling and consistent - and it will significantly increase your chances for a scholarship.

Scholarships to study abroad

Scholarships to study abroad for foreigners offered by many universities and scholarship funds. One of the largest and most famous of the grant programs for foreigners, which is open to students from Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, etc.