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Advice to students on choosing accommodation in the UK

The learning process takes the student a lot of time and energy, to restore which requires comfortable. The tips below will be useful when choosing accommodation.

 Assistance in finding accommodation

In the selection of housing is not necessary to respond to first caught the eye of ad agencies. Please call housing choice of your University. Here you will find the database consisting of the audited agencies, and will assist in the preparation of the lease.

The conclusion of the contract

Be careful signing a contract: read the text carefully, not less carefully - notes to it. This is especially important if you are going to rent a house or apartment in the private sector and dealing with the landlord or Agency.

 Renting accommodation in the private sector, do not forget to clarify the details. If one of your friends decide to change the housing, and none shall dwell in his stead, whether you are required to pay his share of rent? How to install how much electricity you spent, and how much your neighbors? Do you need to purchase a separate TV licence? How to connect to the Internet and what it will cost? Remember that if while viewing the room didn't look ready to move, it is unlikely that at the time of your entry, that will change. Only the terms of the contract binding, whereas the fulfillment of the promises always depends on the goodwill of the person who gave them.


Be sure to check what additional costs spelled out in the lease agreement. Universities usually are informed not only about the cost of Dorm rooms, but also about the total expenses for the entire academic year. However, in other types of accommodation, if the contract had not been studied closely enough, the additional costs (for gas, water or electricity) may come as a surprise. Don't forget to make sure and that is the apartment heated in the winter months will not be too expensive, after checking the item relating to energy conservation. In this case, the utilities will not impose an additional burden on your already planned budget.

 Before settling

  • Before moving, be sure to check the availability of hot water, the efficiency of energopribor and heating devices. Make sure that you know how to turn on and off utilities (water, gas) and appliances and check whether they have instructions for use;
  • Will receive a written confirmation that all gas appliances have been inspected by employee of appropriate services licensed to a security check;
  • In order to avoid accusations of failure in the equipment, get a picture or video to remove and send these materials to the homeowners by e-mail;
  • To prevent cases of theft, verify that the doors are securely locked.


Always check the mail, addressed to the tenant ('to the Occupier') - otherwise you might miss important information about the change of landlord, and call in two weeks to leave the rented accommodation. Thus you risk to be outside in most not the right time.

Be tolerant

If you can't afford to rent a one-bedroom apartment, you likely will have to share living space with neighbors. Everyone is different, with different lifestyles, so it is important to be able to compromise and be patient toward others.


Of course, during your stay you may encounter a variety of difficulties. If you are not satisfied with any aspect of your stay, do not hesitate to ask for help to the staff of University services housing choice. And yet for many students their rented housing – this is the first experience of living away from home. Enjoy your freedom and new life and don't forget that all difficulties can be overcome.


October 12, 2010

The text is prepared on materials of the newspaper "the Guardian".