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What to bring when going to study in a British University?


The documents that You will need in the UK:

  • foreign passport with a visa;
  • driver's license (valid in the UK for 12 months from the date of Your arrival in the country);
  • the certificate and diploma (in addition to the originals upon admission to the University You will need to provide certified translations, which is better to prepare in advance in Russia);
  • all letters received from the University and UCAS (confirm Your eligibility for the accommodation in the residence of the University);
  • statement of account the Bank may need to open a Bank account; ask Your Bank to provide it in English, or submit a certified translation;
  • medical certificate (medical report), translated into English, if there are chronic diseases;
  • 5-10 photos passport size.

In addition to the originals of the above documents, bring multiple copies and also scan documents and send yourself an email to have quick access if needed.


  • Laptop, USB and Backup Storage;
  • Medical glasses / contact lenses. In the UK, glasses and lenses are quite expensive, and the visit to the ophthalmologist and optician – paid service.
  • Drugs. In the UK there is a large list of drugs in the open market, as in Russia. Medications dispensed by prescription. So if You often use the drugs at home, we advise you to take them. Also if You have a chronic illness, take the whole set of appropriate medicines. But don't take supplements and vitamins as in the UK a lot of them, they are great quality and are, for the most part, cheaper than in Russia;
  • Dictionary / electronic translator. Many students use the translator ABBYY Lingvo;
  • Sweater and warm "vertexguy" waterproof jacket;
  • Sturdy Hiking boots, if you love walking in the mountains (in the UK there are several attractive mountain ranges);
  • A small folding umbrella (umbrella can pick it up at customs);
  • Leaf tea. If You are a lover of loose leaf tea, it is best to stock up at home, because in the UK most supermarkets offers tea bags;
  • Souvenirs. Authentic Russian vodka in a small bottle can be quite a good gift (but not Russian Standard – it is sold in the UK). Russian chocolate is also very popular.

Good LUCK!