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Profile ideally an academic Recommender

Academic is called a letter of recommendation to the Universityby Your teacher or other official school or University in which You studied or are studying. Who can be Your ideal sponsor?

1. Your lecturer on the subject who has many hours on Your diploma. Administrators admissions Committee usually check Your transcript (translated copies of the diploma), how long Your sponsor has taught You. The longer the Recommender knows You, as a student, the weightier are his words about Your academic potential and achievement. If Your Recommender have read You have only 20 hours or more are not faced with You, the selection Committee will hardly be inclined to attach great importance to even a perfectly drafted a recommendation letter. Best references for students may be the class teacher.

2. The references are nice and long (at least a year) knows You.
If the Recommender has taught You is not very long, but, for example, is Your supervisor or a stranger to You in Your student life, his positive opinion about You can make You a great favor. In this case, the text of the recommendation should contain information about how long and under what circumstances the Recommender has known You.

3. Lecturer on the subject on which You have good performance. Your "three" on the subject of the teacher that provided You with positive feedback about Your quality and academic performance, can discredit Your recommendation. The greatest weight will have feedback on the subject, which You are given to "excellent."

4. Lecturer on the subject for which You are applying. For example, if You go to Finance or the economy, then the admissions Committee will look for evidence of Your excellent analytical skills, perseverance, ability to work with numbers, etc. Accordingly, a great review for You from the teacher's Mat. analysis, linear algebra, statistics, Economics, etc. (algebra and geometry for students) will be the most compelling and important for the admissions Committee of a foreign University.

5. The Introducer has a high status/ administrative position at Your University/school. The higher the status of the Recommender, the more convincing it may sound a letter of recommendation. The recommendation is signed, for example, the Dean of the faculty or the rector of the University can be very beneficial to distinguish You among other applicants.

7. The reference is not necessarily to know English. If Your Recommender doesn't know/ knows not good enough English, a letter of recommendation in English can be written in the following way:

  • Your Recommender will write a recommendation on Russian language
  • You make a notarized translation of this document; OR contact us for help in drafting letters in English.

8. The Recommender will be able to give examples of Yourth academic and student lifeto support Your positive qualities and high potential. It is the examples that reveal Your individual characteristics, can sound the most convincingly and clearly. For example, Your Recommender was impressed by Your speech at the student conference ... or in the preparation of the case, You, as project leader, and produced unique information about ... and thus ..., or Your performance at the festival ... it was a great event and is still being discussed ... etc.

9. The Introducer has a high opinion of You, as about the student and about the person and supports Your decision to continue studies abroad. All of the above points will have little value if Your Recommender cannot or do not want to give You the best characteristics or, for example, does not support Your idea of entering master's abroad, wanting to hold You in my University. The perfect recommendation should contain a list of Your strongest qualities, and also support Your decision about admission to the University abroad. Good LUCK!