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Okoloogilise specialty in the UK

Training to be a doctor at a UK University – a task extremely difficult, especially for applicants from other countries. Admission requirements of medical faculties in the UK is very high because of the prestige of the programs, only 20% of places are allocated for foreigners and training courses for foreigners for entrance to medical schools - International Foundation - offer only a few universities. Besides the standard for other specialties transfer students 2-3 courses from universities in their country in British universities it impossible for medical schools.

However, in the UK there is a wide range of higher education programs on training of specialists in related medical fields such as pharmacology, biochemistry, physiology, pharmaceutics, genetics, etc. to Enroll in these programs much easier than on the medical faculties, and this gives a great chance to obtain a prestigious education to those international students who want to devote themselves to work related to medicine.

For foreign students after graduation to stay and work in the UK, training in these programs provides additional benefits. The experts in related medical fields are always in demand in the labor market that increases their chances of getting a work visa.

Education in the field of biochemistry

Biochemistry lies at the junction of two Sciences – biology and medicine. In most British universities the undergraduate course of biochemistry designed for 4 years, during which students spend a lot of time in well-equipped laboratories and get great skills for research. The faculties provide students in the pharmaceutical and biotech companies or research institutes.

Graduates with degrees in biochemistry are in demand today in many branches of industry: pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, food industry, agriculture. Small companies often hire biochemists to conduct highly specialized work, for example, Toxicological studies. Many experts arranged for scientific or medical publishing houses where they work as experts.

The list of occupations for occupation:

  • Analytical chemist (analytical chemist)
  • Biomedical scientist (scientist in the field of Biomedicine)
  • Healthcare scientist, clinical biochemistry (scientist in the field of health, clinical biochemistry)
  • Clinical research associate (specialist in clinical research)
  • Forensic scientist (scientist in the field of forensic medicine)
  • Research scientist (life sciences) – research scientist (life Sciences)
  • Scientific laboratory technician (technician in the science lab)
  • A toxicologist (toxicologist)

Education in the field of Biomedicine

The knowledge acquired by students in universities on programmes of Biomedicine, give the opportunity to work at the cutting edge of modern medical science and research. Deep basic training on a variety of subjects provides graduates with an excellent chance of finding work in areas not even related biomedical subjects – business, Finance and marketing.

Due to the fact that the most prestigious jobs in the sector of Biomedicine require very high qualification, many graduates decide to continue studying on the programs of postgraduate education.

Experts in Biomedicine in demand in various spheres: food industry, biotechnology, the pharmaceutical industry – they work in the departments of research and development (Research and Development), laboratories for quality and sales departments.

The list of occupations for occupation:

  • Biomedical scientist (scientist in the field of Biomedicine)
  • Forensic scientist (scientist in the field of forensic medicine)
  • Healthcare scientist, clinical biochemistry (scientist in the field of health, clinical biochemistry)
  • Healthcare scientist, genetics (scientist in the field of health, genetics)
  • Healthcare scientist, haematology (scientist in the field of health, Hematology)
  • Healthcare scientist, immunology(scientist in the field of health, immunology)
  • Microbiologist (Microbiology)
  • Research scientist (medical) – research scientist (medicine)
  • A toxicologist (toxicologist)

Education in the field of pharmacology

University studies program pharmacology provides basic knowledge on various Sciences and opens up to graduates a wide career prospects. During the studies the students get excellent practical skills, working as assistants to technicians in University laboratories or specialized internships in the holidays. A number of organizations, such as the British pharmaceutical society (BPS) funding of a program providing students with the holiday fellowship allows us to work on their future profession in the summer. Practice and annual student internships at well-known British pharmaceutical companies, which provides excellent opportunities to gain practical experience and develop valuable connections with leading experts in the industry.

Diploma pharmacist opens job prospects in academia, the pharmaceutical industry and in health care institutions. In pharmaceutical production there are many jobs in the sector of quality management, as well as in areas such as marketing and medical information support, where experts function as a liaison between pharmaceutical companies, on the one hand, and doctors and patients, on the other hand.

The list of occupations for occupation:

  • Analytical chemist (analytical chemist)
  • Biomedical scientist (scientist in the field of Biomedicine)
  • Clinical research associate (assistant specialist clinical research)
  • Healthcare scientist, clinical biochemistry (scientist in the field of health, clinical biochemistry)
  • Healthcare scientist, immunology (scientist in the field of health, immunology)
  • Pharmacologist (pharmacist)
  • Research scientist (life sciences) - research scientist (the science of living beings)
  • Research scientist (medical) – research scientist (medicine)

Education in the field of pharmaceuticals

The majority of graduates of pharmaceutical faculties after graduation, go to work as pharmacists, but there are alternative career paths to engage in academic science, arranged in the controlling organization or the pharmaceutical industry.

To successfully compete in today's job market, students are advised during training to undergo training and seek to gain practical experience. Most of the online pharmacies are willing to offer students a summer internship for a period of 6 to 8 weeks. Many students subsequently find employment in places where they interned. Students can work in the system of clinical pharmacy, although this is usually unpaid internships for a period from 2-3 days to several weeks.

The majority of pharmacists working in the UK or settled in large chain pharmacies or independent pharmacies of various calibers. Many are employed in the national health system or work in Wellness centers.

There are vacancies in the food sector or in the pharmaceutical industry.

The list of occupations for occupation:

  • Community pharmacist (district pharmacist)
  • Hospital pharmacist (clinical pharmacist)
  • Research scientist (medical) – research scientist (medicine)

Education in genetics

Higher education in genetics gives graduates good career prospects in science or in the relevant sectors of the industry.

During their studies students have a variety of types of internships, which is very important for subsequent employment. In the summer vacation students work in the laboratories of academic research centers or industrial companies. This gives students a great opportunity to determine which direction they like to subsequently consciously plan your career. There are also different options temporary work in the sectors of healthcare including hospitals and clinics that provides future graduates with valuable practical experience in the field of education. Also popular, and volunteer in organizations dedicated to the conduct of genetic research or to help people with birth defects.

The majority of graduates of programs of study genetics after graduation find jobs in the health care system: in hospitals, pharmaceutical companies or universities, faculties connected with medicine.

Because in the modern world of applied genetics is developing rapidly, today there are more vacancies in areas such as food industry, cosmetics, biotechnology, agriculture. A good fundamental training in different subjects enables the graduates to make a career in completely different fields: business, Finance and sales.

The list of occupations for occupation:

  • Clinical research associate (specialist in clinical research)
  • Healthcare scientist, genetics (scientist in the field of health, genetics)
  • Healthcare scientist, immunology (scientist in the field of health, immunology)
  • Pharmacologist (pharmacist)
  • Research scientist (life sciences) – research scientist (life Sciences)
  • Research scientist (medical) – research scientist (medicine)
  • Scientific laboratory technician (technician in the science lab)

Education in the field of Microbiology

University program for the study of Microbiology shape students ' scientific thinking style, aptitude for analytical analysis and develop talent for solving complex tasks – today, these skills are highly valued by employers.

During training students undergo internships in research centers, government laboratories, or other organizations associated with the profile education. For more practical skills, students can go directly to the laboratory of clinics to search for work or to enjoy the support of recruitment Agency of the University.

Some companies allocate funding to attract students to work during summer vacation.

Specialization in Microbiology overlaps with many other related areas: biology, genetics, molecular biology, immunology. Therefore, a University graduate program of Microbiology are in demand in different regions – the health system organizations for the protection of the environment, in food industry, pharmaceutical industry, laboratories of forensic medicine, perfume industry, public research centres, universities.

The list of occupations for occupation:

  • Biomedical scientist (scientist in the field of Biomedicine)
  • Clinical research associate (specialist in clinical research)
  • Food technologist (food technologist)
  • Microbiologist (Microbiology)
  • Pharmacologist (pharmacist)
  • Research scientist (life sciences) – research scientist (the science of living beings)
  • Scientific laboratory technician (technician in the science lab)
  • Technical brewer (the technician-brewer)

Education in the field of physiology

Physiology gives a wider view of the world of living beings in comparison with biology is open to graduates of the numerous prospects in academia, research and the healthcare system. Some students choose completely different career paths.

For successful employment after graduation is very important to get practical skills in the study process at the University. For those who want to do clinical physiology, suitable internships in various departments and clinics. They are mandatory in some faculties, but the students can independently get a job to gain practical experience.

Experience in the laboratories with the development of appropriate techniques for conducting experiments is important for those who want to devote himself to science or research.

Graduates of the programs in physiology in demand in the following areas:

  • academic science and research centers,
  • pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies,
  • health system: cardiology, audiology, neurophysiology, critical care medicine, respiratory physiology, sleep physiology, gastrointestinal physiology,
  • clinics, health and Wellness centers.

In addition, there are jobs for clinical psychologists in the armed forces. Another sector where are experts in physiology, is the system of higher education and publishers of scientific literature.

The fundamental basic training also allows graduates to pursue a career in areas not even associated with the received profile education – Finance, legal firms, consulting agencies, trading firms.

The list of occupations for occupation:

  • Biomedical scientist (scientist in the field of Biomedicine)
  • Clinical research associate (specialist in clinical research)
  • Exercise physiologist (sports physiologist)
  • Healthcare scientist, audiology (scientist in the field of health, audiology)
  • Healthcare scientist, physiology (scientist in the field of health, physiology)
  • Pharmacologist (pharmacist)
  • Research scientist (medical) – research scientist (medicine)