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How to prepare for admission to a foreign University for a medical specialty

Cherished dream of young people from many countries is obtaining medical diploma from a reputable Western University. This is not surprising. In developed countries, medicine is invested huge funds – as in the equipment of the clinics state of the art equipment, and in research on the most relevant areas of health. As a result, the prestige of medical education in Western countries is very high, and the career of a doctor is one of the most perspective ways of professional growth and obtain high-paying jobs.

However, to get into a good foreign University for a medical specialty is extremely difficult, especially for foreign students. Difficult, but not impossible – if start preparing in advance and knowing what you should pay attention to.

Basic requirements for applicants:

  1. For admission to the medical courses must have excellent degree on all subjects for A-levels, most universities require a level A*AA.In addition, the applicant must have an impeccable academic history during his studies to A-levels: either the excellent results of GCSE (2 years before A-levels), or high grades in the General certificate of secondary education obtained in the schools of the CIS.
  2. It is necessary to demonstrate that the applicant is already required for the future physician quality: kindness, compassion, a tendency to care for the sick required practical experience in the relevant field (work or internship in hospitals, nursing homes, residential care facilities, etc.).
  3. The level of knowledge of English must be very high – not lower than IELTS 7.5 (or equivalent).

What you should know when applying to medical programs

  • Deadlines for the submission of documents much earlier than in other areas of learning until October 15, one year before the start of the program.
  • For admission to the medical faculties of foreign universities are required to pass a special examination in medicine – UKCAT (UK Clinical Aptitude Test) or BMAT (Biomedical admissions Test) for UK universities or its equivalent for other countries. Enrollment requires very high scores on the exam – otherwise the application will be immediately rejected, despite high ratings for A-levels. Preparing for this exam should begin early – so there will be more chances to pass it successfully.
  • At British universities banned the translation into the medical specialty of foreign students who study medicine in their countries. Moreover, even graduates who have received a medical degree are not eligible to re-enroll in the medical program of a University in the UK. It is considered that a specialist who has received prestigious education in the field of medicine, has already used his chance to study at medical school.
  • In other countries (USA, Europe) requirements are not so strict, but with medical diplomas from the CIS countries it is impossible to do once in residency, you can only go on the bachelor for re-training medical specialty.

Features admission to medical faculties in different countries


Medical program, the most prestigious British universities – Cambridge, Oxford, Edinburgh and a number of others, to do only having been trained at the British school. Other universities accept students who have graduated from training programs Foundation, but only if the training for it took place in the University where the applicant intends to do. Unfortunately, only a small number of universities with medical faculties organise specialised courses Foundation in medical science – among them St. George's St. Andrew's and one of the strongest universities - Cardiff University. Admission requirements for admission to the Foundation program is very high because of their demand and high competition.


First, we need to enter a bachelor degree programme biomedical Sciences or Pre-Medicine, training which lasts 4 years. This is possible only after admission to a medical specialty in graduate school, where students study 6 years. The next stage is 2 years of residency. A total of medical specialty is around 12 years old. It should be noted that the cost of medical education in the United States is the highest in the world.


The procedure for admission of foreign students of medical faculties of Canada considered most difficult in the world. Universities only accept applications from graduates of canadian schools. The competition among incoming students is so great that many Canadians prefer to study medicine abroad, not at home.


The country has two universities offering programs for medical education in English. The competition for them is very high. For admission, you will need a high score on the IMAT – medical test for the applicants in Italy.


Today in Holland there is only one undergraduate program of medicine in English, designed for 3 years. However, the next phase of training – a magistracy, which lasts 3 years, is already underway in the Dutch language. Thus, foreign students must master the Dutch language during the bachelor.


In this country it is possible to enter the residency with a medical degree of a Russian University, but the training is conducted only in Spanish.