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How to prepare for admission into the creative program?
How to prepare for admission into the creative program?
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How to prepare for admission into the creative program?

To go to a prestigious foreign University on a creative speciality, such as fine art, fashion, design or architecture, is quite difficult due to the very high demand for these programs. The presence of a deliberate strategy and advance preparation for admission can significantly improve the chances of success.

1. Research your niche educational institutions

Today with the Internet this can be done quickly and efficiently. View rankings of universities that offer creative programs, information on their websites, brochures for foreign students.

Make sure that the program cost is within your budget. Be sure to check what forms of material support – scholarships, discounts on training offers for University foreign students.

>> View the creative programs of the British universities

2. Submit applications to several universities

Examining the institutions that offers education in the creative professions, form a list of about 15 universities that you are most suitable. Next, break the list into 3 groups:

• 3-4 TOP University with a high competition, which selected only the most talented applicants,

• 3-4 universities where the entrance requirements correspond roughly to your achievements,

• 3-4 sessions, where the level of requirements for applicants, below your academic performance, but the curriculum of which you are completely satisfied.

Although the chances to get into University in the first group may be low, it's worth a try. A third group is a safety option.

3. Portfolios

Portfolio is the main tool for persuasion of admissions Committee you have the creative abilities and approach to its development should be thoroughly. Include in the portfolio a variety of works executed in various styles and technics. Prepare descriptions of submissions in case admission to the University does not provide for the interview and portfolio will be considered in absentia.

In every institution where you send your application, you must submit a separate portfolio and it is desirable to adapt it to the specific requirements of the University.

4. Interview

Most universities do not require foreign applicants interview is limited to correspondence consideration of documents, including a portfolio. But for admission in some universities it is a mandatory requirement.

In this case, you seem to be a good chance to show creative inclinations and personally present your portfolio, focusing on strong work. Get ready for this responsible step in advance consider how to convincingly talk about your achievements and practice speaking in front of your friends.

You have a good income and interesting study.