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Can you learn creative writing?
Can you learn creative writing?
  • 2058

Can you learn creative writing?

"Why are you here? Why not stay at home to write?" This question was asked once a group of students in class in creative writing John Steinbeck, Pulitzer prize winner and Nobelevskoi prize for literature.

As shown by the constantly increasing number of programs in creative writing in the United Kingdom and abroad, the need for training in creative writing in this region is extremely high.

Novelist Joseph O'connor are among the advantages of master's programs in creative writing support from internationally renowned authors, the sense of belonging to a community of writers, obtaining such skills as editing and structure, as well as the ability to read like a writer, not as a critic or academic.

Joseph O'connor adds: "in addition, this skill of meeting deadlines of delivery of texts, the acquisition of a specialty, as well as a platform for the development and design of a major writing project. In addition, there are benefitsthat are harder to measure, but they are no less important: the feeling of satisfaction from the fact that you dedicated a year of his life work and hobby, a little voice in your head that says, "talent is a gift that is not for everyone, and I did something to give him that and develop it."

One of the most prestigious programs in creative writing in Europe is a program of graduate studies at the University of East Anglia (University of East Anglia), graduates of which at different times was Anne Enright, John Boyne, Gavin McCree, Paul Murray and Thomas Morris. See all programs creative writing of the University.

Pay attention to the programmes included in the top 20 in the discipline of Creative Writing in the Complete University Guide 2017:

In US universities there are also interesting programs Creative Writing, for example, in State University in Oregon.

What are students in the framework of training for master's degree programs in the field of literary creativity? Fun to learn from accomplished writers, creative atmosphere, a job that inspired, community-minded reviews, papers, mentoring, working with deadlines, and perhaps most importantly — the time dedicated to write.

According to the novelist Gavin Corbett "Program Creative Writing shortens the path to the contract with the publisher; something that previously required 10 years now can happen in 3 years, because you will already have the confidence, portfolio of work, and maybe contact the right people in the publishing environment."

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