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28.04.10. University of Wales Institute, Cardiff : "London is no longer the most competitive region of Britain"

These are the results of a study conducted by the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff (UWIC). Measurement of competitiveness of regions and settlements of British competitiveness index (UK Competitiveness Index), first published in 2000, shows that London is first shifted to the second position, behind South-East of England. The results of the study suggest that since the coming to power of a labour government in 1997 the North-West of England showed the greatest improvement among the 12 regions, moving from the 8 index position on the fourth. Autonomous Scotland showed opposite results - a fall from 4th place to eighth. From the regions the least competitive was recognized as Autonomous Wales. Also, compared with previous ratings have deteriorated the Central Eastern counties (East Midlands), South-West England, Yorkshire and the Humber. Among the cities of the primacy of the saved Guildford, followed by St Albans and Winchester. Despite the fact that Scotland as a whole has lost ground among major cities is the most competitive Edinburgh, after which he located in Bristol and Manchester.