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The University of Kent has entered the TOP 100 most international universities in world rankings Times Higher Education

The leading position of the University of Kent (University of Kent) in the development of an international approach to educating students was confirmed by the high rating of Times Higher Education (THE) survey of universities in the world by 2016.

According to the published in January the results of the review of THE "Rankings of universities in the world 2015-2016", the University of Kent was ranked 66-th place among 800 well-known universities participating in the survey. Thus, Kent was included in the TOP 10% of the most international universities in the world.

The rating takes into account the percentage of teachers from abroad working in the University, the proportion of foreign students in the student team and the number of publications held by the University studies with at least one coauthor from another country.

>> Program of the University of Kent

In 2015, Kent has also entered the TOP 10% among 100 important universities of the world in review edition of the QS criterion, taking into account the percentage of foreign students and teachers.

The rector of the University, Professor Dame Julia Goodfellow, said: "the High rating of Kent in the review of the evidence of our capacity to attract students and teachers from abroad. They have a significant impact on the life of the University and enhance its reputation.

"It also demonstrates the global relationships that the University of Kent has with various institutions and research centers in the world. Their establishment is part of the strategy of internationalization of our University."

>> Program of the University of Kent

Phil Baty, editor, Times Higher Education said: "the Degree of internationality of the University is a key marker of the prestige of the University. The best schools attract teachers from around the world, looking for talented students in many countries and work with leading institutions, wherever they are.

We congratulate all the universities included in the list. This is evidence of their enormous potential, competitiveness and dynamism."

>> Read more about University of Kent

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the city of Canterbury, which is the University of Kent