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University of East Anglia has soared in the ratings of 2018!
University of East Anglia has soared in the ratings of 2018!
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University of East Anglia has soared in the ratings of 2018!

The University of East Anglia (University of East Anglia) gained two positions and was in 12th place in the prestigious ranking of "Complete University Guide". This is the best in the history of the University result in the British rankings.

The drafters of the "Complete University Guide" compare the 129 universities in the United Kingdom in 10 categories. Separately evaluated the quality of teaching 70 disciplines. The University of East Anglia is included in the top 10 British universities in teaching 9 of the 35 items.

For example, physical therapy occupies the third place, anatomy and physiology fourth, American studies — fifth, and studies of hearing and speech — sixth. Also in the top ten included the quality of the programs in creative writing (eighth place), communications and media (tenth), drama (tenth), marketing (tenth) and nursing (tenth). >> View all programs UEA

In addition, the University took 18-th place in the famous list of "the Guardian University Guide 2018", rising to six lines, in comparison with the previous year. The rating also noted the quality of teaching in six disciplines, including American studies (second place) and accounting and Finance (sixth place). The University's programs in nursing and midwifery, history of arts and law, took seventh place in their respective categories, and Earth science and Oceanography — 10th.

University of East Anglia approved fellowship program Global education, through which Russian students can obtain a grant to study in graduate courses UEA. Find out more in the profile UEA and communicate with the University directly!

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