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29.05.10. The Times Good University Guide 2011

Editor of Handbook John Oliri gave some comments to it is published on the pages of the times. This year 62 subject tables of the rating suggests that the strength of British higher education is its depth. Although Oxford and Cambridge dominate in most subjects - they head 43 subject tables of the rating - not less than 17 universities are leading at least one subject. And this list does not even include such giants of the academic world, as king's College London, universities of Bristol and Edinburgh. Cambridge again showed the greatest superiority over other universities. Despite the fact that other universities seek to narrow the gap, it leads in 31 subjects. Last year he was the first in 35 subjects, in 2008 the total number of subjects was 37. Oxford improved their performance, topping the list in 12 subjects, including many of the most prestigious.