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20.05.10. 14.05.10. Oxford University's All Souls college cancels the toughest scholarship exam

As writes the guardian, Jessica shepherd, All Souls college of Oxford University was interrupted by the historical practice of writing a graduate entrance essay, consisting of a single word. It is believed that it was one of the hardest exams in the world. Almost a hundred years, only a few of the most brilliant young Oxford graduates annually proceeded to the exam and only few succeed.

But this year, for the first time postgraduate exam of the College of All Souls deprived of the most intense element - the topic of an essay, expressed in one word. From this task, which is to open the envelope, inside of which is a piece of paper with one word, for instance, innocence or morality, and to cover it for three hours, defeated the most brilliant minds. Those who excels and is a better writer than the four of the other works contained in the template are accepted in the only post-graduate College, University of Oxford - All Souls. The title of graduate of the College of All Souls puts them in the age of 20 years in the academic stars. Postgraduate stipend of £14,783 a year is given for 7 years.