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The student councils of the universities of great Britain: Elections!

In universities in the UK the time has come for election campaigns at elections of the leadership of student councils. Since February, the campuses of many high schools are covered with posters, calling to vote for a particular candidate. Foreign students, for the first time, observing the period of elections to student unions, usually quite surprised by such an active propaganda, and all the absorbing atmosphere of the elections.

There are active student councils in almost all universities in the UK. These student organizations have a significant impact on student life. Each year students choose from among its members the leader and the administration of its student Council. All students are automatically members of the student Council of his University. The student Council collects contributions for various purposes, to organize events and lobbying the issues of students in University administration, having in many cases a very weighty voice. Many students are actively involved in the election campaign and proudly put forward their candidatures; if successful, this could be the beginning of a political career.

Election time is a real treat, around the posters, the speeches, all the formats of campaigning, including the distribution of sweets and prizes. Along with first academic week of the University (called "fresher'sweek"), this is the best time for taking various student societies and clubs, as all seek to get more votes for their candidate.

Source: HowellDavies, the Independent

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