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19.05.10. Students - economists and mathematics of Moscow state University participated in the seminar "Master's courses in the UK"

12 may 2010 at the faculty of Economics and 19 may at the faculty of CMC MSU held seminars Education Index "Master's degree in the UK."
The workshops were attended by over 70 people, who learned about what kriterievyavlyaetsya main when you select a program and University that represents the process of admission and what are the ways of financing the study is available for Russian students. HSBC highlighted the organizational and financial issues faced by students going to study abroad, and the company FutureToday talked about career perspectives of graduates of foreign th graduate
Among the questions students were as follows:
- how to choose the most optimal variant of the program (the ratio of desires and possibilities);
- by whom should be prepared letters of reference;
- about the account opening process in Britain and the possibility of an overdraft for students;
- scholarships for master and PhD programs;
- about the required level of language proficiency.
All the answers are placed in the appropriate sections of the Forum.