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Royal Holloway has one of the TOP 20 universities in the UK

University of Royal Holloway was ranked 129-th place in the ranking of world universities from the Times Higher Education (THE) for 2015-16, which was published in October 2015. UK University appeared on 19-m a place.

The 25th edition of the list of universities and other higher education institutions in the world contains more than 16 thousand universities in different countries. So Royal Holloway was in the top 1% of universities in the world.

International approach to education has always been a strong point of the University, and Royal Holloway have once again demonstrated the high rating on this indicator, entering the TOP 10 (9th place) in the UK and in the TOP 20 (19th place) in the world among 200 best educational establishments of different countries.

The rector of the University, Professor Paul Layzell said: "Royal Holloway has once again hit the list of the best universities in the world. Our success in the rankings has been achieved through teachers working hard to maintain the quality of teaching at the University level with the highest world standards. They are trying to create the conditions under which each student maximizes his potential during his stay in the walls of Royal Holloway. Our University is one of the most international universities in the UK and both students and teachers get great benefits from a global approach, which is cultivated at the University".

Ranking of world universities from Times Higher Education is one of the most prestigious systems in the world rating of universities. It takes into account the level of teaching and research activities, the frequency of citation of the University press, the degree of commitment of the University's international approach to education, income of graduates. This is already the 12th year since THE started publishing annual rankings of world universities.

>> Read more about Royal Holloway, University of London