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  • 1798

Royal Holloway is recognized as the safest University in England and Wales

Studies conducted StuRents.com established that the city of Egham (the area where is located the famous University of Royal Holloway) is the safest in England and Wales for students.

Analysis of more than 500,000 crimes in 64 cities across England and Wales showed in what city students were the most exposed to high level of crime in the previous year.

Students of the University of London Royal Holloway was subject to the least number of crimes - only 57 recorded crimes had a thousand residents last year.

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Helen Groenendal, the senior student officer responsible for the welfare of students at Royal Holloway, said: "We are very pleased with the results of the study Stu.Rents.com and rating, recognizing the safety of our University and its environs. We appreciate the business relationship with the Surrey police and try to help them to create a safe place to live and work. Efforts to minimize crime and promote personal security are a priority in our close-knit community of the University, so we're excited to see the results of our work and what we were able to make changes for the better ".

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