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Best universities of the world in the QS 2018

In London released the 14th annual world University ranking QS, in it have taken part more than 950 universities from 84 countries.

The top of the list remained the same, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for the sixth year of operation again took first place, followed by Stanford, Harvard and California Institute of Technology. But despite the permanence of the leaders in the top 100 for the first time included several educational institutions in China and also one of the 24 represented in the rating of Russian universities – Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

To compile the ranking, QS used six indicators: academic reputation, the ratio of teachers and students, the reputation of the employer, total number of citations, ratio of foreign faculty and foreign students. So, according to all indicators, the MIT during the third year takes 1st place, thanks to the best research laboratories, representing groundbreaking research in the most important matters of the world.

The UK was ranked at 76 positions in the QS World University Rankings® 2018, including 5 new universities. 4 universities included in the top ten in the world, while another 24 have achieved great success in the top 200. Of course, it is not surprising that Oxford and some well-known London universities made the list of leaders. A surprise to many was the fact that some UK universities have significantly increased their positions.

Some UK universities included in the top 200 world universities in the QS 2018:

1. University of Cambridge – 1 in the UK, however, in comparison with last year lost one position in ranking, ranked 5th in the world;

2. University of Oxford – 6th place.

3. King's College London – 23rd place this year thanks to high-quality medical education and research achievements;

4. Queen Mary University of London – 127;

5. University of York – 135;

6. Cardiff University – 137 place (up to 3 positions compared to last year);

7. University of Reading – 188 place.