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Programs with internships the University of Swansea

Wales University Swansea, despite its small size, is one of the Champions among all UK universities for graduate employment rate. According to the study Destination of Leavers of Higher Education, 93.7% of graduates find work or further study within 6 months after graduation.

A high percentage of employment is not accidental! In the University of Swansea many programs, the curriculum of which included internships. Graduates receive an invaluable experience, even as students. Internships are paid and last for one year.

>> Learn more from a representative of the University on programmes with a placement

We offer to Your attention an interesting program of undergraduate Swansea University paid internships. The following programs last for 4 years, 3rd year students take a one-year internship.

- BSc Accounting and Finance with Year Work Placement (Accounting and Finance with annual training)

- BSc Computer Science with a Year in Industry (Computer research with annual training)

- BSc Business Management with Year Work Placement (Business-Management with annual training)

The University offers many other programs with internship. For further details send your query to the representative of the University.