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25.10.10. International Academy launches new Bridging Year courses from January

Students needing to improve their English language skills ahead of going on to study for a degree can now take advantage of a new set of Bridging Year courses starting in January at the University of Essex's International Academy. For the first-time international students can now join Bridging Year courses in January which allow them to go on to complete degrees in Business Management, Accounting and Finance, Economics or Entrepreneurship. The programme is based at the University's Southend campus and covers the same core modules as the current Bridging Year programme which was originally launched in 1989. Students will take five modules - Academic Skills, Business Management, Economics, Core Maths and Statistics. The key difference is the starting date and the length of holidays. The nine-month programme starts at the beginning of January, with two-week vacations in March and June and exams in July. Read full text >>