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18.05.10. London Business School: 4th annual conference on investment in the arts

3 Jun 2010 but the walls of the London Business School will host the 4th annual international conference on financial investment in works of art (4th Annual Global Art Investment Conference).

This year the conference is entitled "Defining the boundaries of the art market for financial investors." It will consider the future of the art market at a time when the traditional financial investment model has changed, and practitioners are exploring new avenues for protecting and ensuring profitability in a dramatically new economic environment. To discuss current trends affecting the art market, as well as to hear the opinions of world-class professionals and leading teachers London Business School, the conference will bring together practice, industry, stakeholders and scientists. One-day conference will include presentations, case studies and breakout sessions, with the main goal of the presentation of the various views on the new opportunities prevailing in the global art market, and a discussion of the evolving role of art in alternative investment strategies.