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Teacher of Cambridge reveals the best way to get a place in Oxbridge

My Oxbridge Choice, which was developed by a former lecturer in mathematics at Cambridge University, provides opportunities to assess the chances of the candidate to win in the qualifying race for admission and successful degree at Oxford and Cambridge universities.

The selection information can be produced depending on the selected University, College and subject. The figures, taken consistently over the last 5-10 years, show how easy or difficult is to win a place in certain subjects.

For example, in classical literature at Cambridge place receive 47.8% of candidates, whereas in computer technology at Oxford – schastlivchika enrolled in a course becomes only 12.7% postupayuschih.

The data also show that the chances of the applicant's high value has to go to College. In Cambridge, more than half of the candidates entering in the mathematics Catharine's College St, Corpus Christi, or Selwyn, or get a seat in these colleges, or others. In other colleges, including Christ's, Magdalene, Pembroke and Robinson, is credited with less than 30% of applicants. And these ratios remain quite stable for many years.

Cm. also "How to go to Oxford?"