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17.06.10. Cambridge University received a 1 billion donations

As pischet Alison Kershaw in the independent, University of Cambridge reports that he has collected more than 1 billion pounds in a campaign to raise funds for the needs of the University. This is the first University outside of the United States, who managed to raise such a large sum in this way. Funds collected in the course started in 2005 and is dedicated to the 800th anniversary of the Cambridge campaign, designed to continue the University acted as a world leader in teaching and research. Cambridge noted that more than 45 thousand graduates have contributed, and many conduct regular financial support to their former colleges. The University has reached its goal of 1 billion pounds two years ahead of schedule. To encourage students from all backgrounds to go to University, the money will be used for financial assistance to graduate students and for student scholarships. They will also go to funding the construction of new laboratories, academic buildings, dormitories, and attracting new teachers.