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  • 1569

9.02.10. University of Aberdeen safely adjusts the curriculum

University of Aberdeen one of starasia universities in the UK, became the first University in the country significantly changed the curriculum in order to better meet the changing requirements of the labour market. The basis for the reform was based on the so-called Melbourne model of extension educational programs. The University retained the traditional 4-year education on the bachelor, but at the same time with the basic disciplines students will be required to take one course from a list of additional, including, for example: risk in society, science and media, health and the wealth of Nations, sustainable development, and reproduction. Students also can choose course, the subject of which relates to languages, science or business, and visit it during all four years of study. The University believes that the curriculum reform will enable the University of Aberdeen to stay in the hundred leading universities in the world.

Example Aberdeen can follow and some other universities in the UK.