

successful admissions


of students enter the university of their choice


students consult Education Index when applying for universites

  • 1122

25.03.10. University of Oxford announced preliminary data about entrants in 2010 and the statistics for 2009

Among the applicants in 2010, University of Oxford, the proportion of entrants from state schools in the UK is 56.4%, and independent (private) schools, 43.6 %. Admission to Oxford is becoming every year more and more competitive. Preliminary figures coming in 2010 show a record level of 17,000, the number of applications for admission, up by 12% last year. Over the past 10 years the increase in the number of applications for postuplenie from candidates from public schools increased by 85%, and entrants from independent schools at 68%. Complete statistics about prospective students 2009 available on the website of the University.