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Scholarships University of Kent in 2010/11 academic year

For the 2010/11 academic year the University of Kent has provided scholarships to foreign students wishing to obtain the University degree of bachelor or master. Its size – £ 5,000 deduction from the cost of education. Undergraduate scholarship will be paid during all three years of study, master's degree, one year. To participate in the contest applicants must accept the offer of the University on the receipt, to prove the existence of sufficient funds for training, complete the scholarship form and essay with a volume of 750-1000 words.
The theme of the bachelor's essay: "Why have you chosen your selected degree programme; why have you applied to the University of Kent; and how do you see your degree at Kent preparing you for your life after graduation".
The theme of the workshops essay: "Why have you chosen your selected postgraduate taught degree programme; why have you applied to the University of Kent; and how do you see your degree at Kent preparing you for your life after graduation".
Applications for scholarships are submitted before 31 may 2010.