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19.04.10. University of Edinburgh: awards to the best teachers

Student Association of the University of Edinburgh (EUSA) has summarized the results of the competition the quality of teaching. Just was offered 3262 nomination, of which the contest was made 420 teachers, 155 training programmes and 55 departments.

On the proposal of the Council of student representatives and University administration, student Commission were the winners. In total, it was awarded 13 awards, including best Department, best program, and best teacher in all respects. Let Hounsell, Vice-rector of the University of Edinburgh for academic work, commented on the initiative of students in the following way: "It is absolutely a great initiative. I think she helped change the approaches of teaching quality at the University. She not only led us to the recognition of outstanding teaching held by many of our colleagues, but also made us recognize how much there is excellent teachers in the whole University."